Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile filiform needles into specific locations of the body. The needles affect the movement of an energy source called ‘Qi’, which is stored along channels throughout the body. Qi is thought to be the foundation of life, and any interruption or insufficiency in this flow of Qi leads to health conditions and diseases. From a scientific lens, Acupuncture releases endorphins and stimulates the central nervous system. This in turn releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain, which stimulates the body’s natural ability to heal and promote physical and emotional well-being.
Stacey helps people address a range of acute and chronic issues within her treatments. The Initial treatment includes a detailed intake to assess any health concerns and imbalances in the body, followed by an acupuncture treatment to treat health issues such as:
• Addictions
• Anxiety
• Arthritis
• Depression
• Back pain
• Sleep disorders
• Headaches
• Stress
• Endometriosis and much more
Private acupuncture treatments are available to those who prefer a bit more privacy. Treatments are one-on-one with the acupuncturist. The initial treatment is 75 minutes in length with subsequent appointments at 60 minutes. The treatment will include a full Traditional Chinese medical assessment and acupuncture treatment. Other treatments will be applied as needed, such as cupping, Gua Sha, Tuina, Moxibustion, etc.

We are thrilled to be offering the first Community Acupuncture clinic in Newfoundland and Labrador. Community Acupuncture is a personalized acupuncture treatment, provided in a quiet group setting, while relaxing in comfortable recliners. The treatments are primarily on the front of the body and mainly on distal points (legs, arms, hands, feet, ears, etc.) This is the way that acupuncture is traditionally done in Asia. Community-style clinics run on a sliding scale in order to make them more affordable, and so that people can get the amount of treatment they need in a shorter period. The idea is to make acupuncture as accessible as possible for everyone.

For our acupuncture services, payment is due at the end of your treatment, and receipts for insurance and tax purposes are provided once payment is received. At AMAL we accept debit or credit, and also offer direct billing with multiple insurance providers.
Acupuncture does not have to be expensive in order to be effective. We have a sliding scale because affordability and accessibility are very important to us. We want you to be able to come in as often as you need in order to feel better. Receiving regular and frequent treatments is key to achieving your health goals. We charge $20-60 per treatment with an additional $15 admin fee for your first visit only. You pay what you can afford. No questions asked.
If you have any further questions regarding payments or about the sliding scale model, please feel free to contact us.

Stacey Croucher is a Registered Acupuncturist with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Newfoundland and Labrador, having completed her training at Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine in Toronto.
The therapeutic forms Stacey uses include Acupuncture, Cupping, Guasha, Moxibustion, Tuina, Acupressure Massage, and Nutrition under the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) scope.
Stacey’s greatest passion is educating and empowering patients to take control of their own health.
If you are trying acupuncture for the first time and are a bit nervous, we recommend booking your first session as a private one. Afterwards, you are welcome to switch to community treatments or continue with private sessions depending on your comfort levels.
To book a treatment with Stacey, click the link below and select the desired service. You will be guided to setup an online profile and fill out your intake form, and voila! You’re all booked!
Want further information, contact Stacey: