Connect© is an attachment-based program for parents and caregivers of young people between 8-18 years of age. Connect© uses a strengths-based approach to support families and is consistent with trauma-informed practice. It is an empirically supported program and integrates best practice strategies from research on attachment, child and adolescent development and intervention science. The program helps parents and caregivers understand basic attachment concepts which can be applied across a broad range of situations. The goal is to promote sensitive and effective parenting that in turn promotes positive adjustment and healthy attachment between young people and their caregivers.
Connect© can be offered in-person or online (eConnect). The Connect parent group is suitable for a wide range of parenting needs and individual situations. It is not a traditional support group, but is a supportive environment for parents. The program is principle-based and involves reflective learning exercises that can be practiced at home. Contact us at info@amalnl.ca to learn more and to find out about upcoming groups.

Amal is an affiliate site for a 4-year research project out of Simon Fraser University.